Personalized Education and Assessment for Learning in Digital Ecosystems - Analisys of a Teacher Training Course in a Pandemic Context from the Perspective of Formator




Learning assessment, Teacher training, Teacher trainer


This article aims to analyze, from the observation of the teacher training, the level of use of teachers participating in a continuing education course. The course was called "Assessment of Learning in Digital Ecosystems", having been held between June and July 2021, under the continuing education program of a university in the state of Alagoas, during the pandemic period. The analysis consists of verifying the appropriation of the contents about learning ecosystems and personalized education, discussed in the course by the participating teachers. It also aims to glimpse the perspectives of these participants to carry out an evaluation for student learning, in the formative context, from a methodology that covers the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) and that privileges the protagonism of the student. The text addresses three central themes, namely: the personalized education and its relationship to digital learning ecosystems, the formative evaluation and the university teacher training. The research was bibliographic in nature, as well as the qualitative method was chosen; in addition, the research-training method was selected (SANTOS, 2018). The results of the research point to the acquisition of significant knowledge about formative assessment, learning ecosystems, hybrid teaching, personalized education and active methodologies by the students. Moreover, based on the analysis of the teaching plans, it was possible to infer that the course positively impacted on the reconfiguration of the future disciplines of the participants.


 Keywords: Learning assessment. Teacher training. Digital ecosystems. Personalized education. Teacher trainer.


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How to Cite

Lima, R. M. F. da S., Costa, C. J. de S. A., & Lima, J. R. de. (2023). Personalized Education and Assessment for Learning in Digital Ecosystems - Analisys of a Teacher Training Course in a Pandemic Context from the Perspective of Formator . EaD Em Foco, 12(3), e1920.

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