Perspectives of Deaf Users About an Accessible Digital Environment: Analysis on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
The present research had the objective of evaluating the accessibility in a distance education environment, from the perspective of the deaf user of Libras, contributing to the expansion of Web accessibility standards. To do this, the Web accessibility standards published by the entity W3C were investigated. The study included theories from the field of Digital Technologies in Education. Six deaf users attended a course offered at the Plataforma Acessível (Place), where they experimented the tools and functionality of this VLE. The corpus of this cut-out consists of the response, by each participant, of Assessment Sheets made especially for each of the nine tools analyzed. With these materials, it was possible to identify some positive and negative points about Place, as well as some inconsistencies in the W3C accessibility principles. In view of this, criticism was made of accessibility guidelines upheld by the W3C, along with proposals for modifications.
Keywords: Brazilian Sign Language. Deaf people. Virtual learning environment. Principles of accessibility. Automatic translation avatars.
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