Studies Journey for Onlife Education: an Experience Report
Education in contemporary times has required adaptations from teachers, considering the insertion of digital technologies (DT) in their teaching practices. For this, it is important to provide contexts of continuing teacher education for the use of DT in their classrooms. Considering this scenario, the present study reports the experience of a journey of studies about the use of digital technologies, for the development of onLIFE education and digital literacy. Thus, at first, we present the execution of the Study Journey: Teaching, Languages "‹"‹and Technologies, developed to discuss to pics relevant to the use of DT in remote classroom contexts; secondly, perceptions of the participating teachers about the training experience are presented, obtained through on-line forms. The content of the responses was analyzed based on an approach to Discursive Textual Analysis, in which three categories emerged: "continuing education and the challenges of technology", "do we live in times of connection?!" and "teaching practice in times of hyper connection: reading and writing in digital environments". As a result, can be highlighted a) the need to deepen discussions on the presence or absence of digital technologies in the classroom, b) the importance of providing opportunities for continuing education connected with digital technologies; and c) the use of technologies in the classroom, as a perception of onLIFE education, which takes place through platforms, resources and digital tools that are perceived by teachers as contributions of hyperconnected classes that promote digital literacy.
Keywords: OnLIFE education. Continuous training. Digital literacy. Digital technologies.
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