Remote Course in a Non-pandemic context: Who Would Enroll? A Case Study of a Private University
The article compares the profile of students who responded that they would take a remote class even in a non-pandemic context, with a focus on comparing age groups: younger students (16 to 24) and adult students (25 or older). The analysis focuses on two explanations: 1) the student's characteristics, such as gender and the characteristics of the course in which he is enrolled and 2) difficulties they faced with an implementation of the remote system. The data come from an internal institutional self-assessment survey, carried out in the first half of 2020. We used correspondence analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics. The main results show that older students interested in taking a remote course are enrolled in the final periods of the courses and dedicate fewer hours per week to studies. Regarding difficulties, the younger group reports more frequently, lack of concentration, while the older ones report difficulties of a technological nature. But the students who would attend a remote class are not associated to any difficulty. Therefore, the results show that the profile of the student who is interested in remote learning even in a non-pandemic context is close to that who chooses distance learning and that the experience of each student in the context of the pandemic and the remote teaching regime points to a greater or lesser resistance to remote learning, in a context outside the pandemic.
Keywords:Remote teaching. Pandemic of COVID-19. Student profile.
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