Analysis of "Educational Technology" Concept in the Health Field
This article aimed to analyze the concept of "educational technology" on evolutionary perspective of Rodgers. As a methodology, this research was conducted by the descriptive study using mixed approach. Data collection was conducted in September 2020 accessing Dissertations and Thesis Catalog from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES foundation), using the descriptor "educational technology". Fully available Brazilian productions related to health field courses were included. Quantitative and qualitative data were respectively analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and lexicographical analysis with similitude method on IRAMUTEQ software. Total sampling accounted for 107 studies. The concept "educational technology" was presented to only 43 (40.2%) and at its conceptual analysis it was found the following words: Process, learning, knowledge, educational and set. "Educational technology" was conceptualized as a planned and designed tool based on scientific knowledge to be used as an educative material for teaching and learning process, involving a set of digital and non-digital devices targeting teachers and students under a creative and proactive process for teaching and learning. It will favor terminology standardization for researchers and education professionals. language.
Keywords: Health sciences. Health education. Concept formation. Hypermedia. Educational technology.
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