Factors that Influence the Satisfaction of Students with Educational Institutions in Distance Learning Modality in Brazilian Higher Education
The objective of this research is to identify the antecedent factors that affect the perceived quality of the course and the subsequent students' satisfaction with high education institutions in the distance learning modality. For this, descriptive research was carried out, with cross-section and quantitative data through the application of an electronic questionnaire. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the constructs support for learning, financial risk and technological ability influence the perceived quality of the course, which, in turn, positively impacts the satisfaction with the teaching institution by the students. There is a theoretical contribution to the teaching-learning area. In practical terms, the results confirm paths for expanding the modality in distance education, thus contributing to the improvement and creation of new technologies aimed at distance education, as well as teaching methodologies, to increase its use exponentially and adherence more students and a process of continuous improvement of results.
Keywords: Teaching-learning. Distance learning. Perceived quality. Satisfaction with teaching institutions.
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