The Genetics of Dark: an Inquiry Experience in Emergency Remote Education.



Maintaining student engagement in remote learning pedagogical activities is a major challenge. The Inquiry can be a way to overcome these barriers and acquire important skills for the 21st century citizen. Thus, an Investigative Teaching Sequence (ITS) in Genetics was created from a series of science fiction, and applied to a high school class at a technical school. The work investigated ITS's contributions to the engagement and promotion of competences, based on ITS assessment questionnaires and the development of group and individual activities. Students dedicated themselves to individual activities, showing good performance, although the grade refers only to their delivery, showing behavioral engagement. Through reports, we verified emotional engagement in activities. The students built group works of authorship, using argumentation and applying biological concepts in a contextualized way. Furthermore, the strategy showed potential to promote the learning of conceptual, attitudinal and procedural contents, proving to be a good alternative for emergency remote teaching.

Keywords: Active methodologies. Investigative activities. Remote teaching. Engagement. Learning content.


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Author Biographies

Larissa Tebaldi-Reis, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro

Doutoranda do Programa em Ensino em Biociências e Saúde do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Professora do Departamento de Biologia e da Especialização em Educação e Divulgação Cientí­fica do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ).


Gabriela Dias Bevilacqua, Colégio Pedro II

Doutora em Ensino de Ciências. Professora do Departamento de Biologia e Ciências e da Especialização em Ensino do Colégio Pedro II (CPII). Coordenadora Pedagógica do Espaço Ciência Viva.


Robson Coutinho-Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor em Ciências. Professor do Instituto de Biofí­sica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Diretor Cientí­fico do Espaço Ciência Viva. Orientador permanente do Programa em Ensino em Biociências e Saúde do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.



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How to Cite

Tebaldi-Reis, L. ., Bevilacqua, G. D. ., & Coutinho-Silva, R. . (2021). The Genetics of Dark: an Inquiry Experience in Emergency Remote Education. EaD Em Foco, 11(2). Retrieved from