Discussing the Use of TDIC in the Evaluation Process in the Context of Remote Education
The objective of this article is to present the possibilities of evaluation in the context of Remote Education (RE),using Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) as a support. To this end, in 2020 a discussion was held on the topic, based on the literature. The approach was qualitative, of the type descriptive. Regarding technical procedures, bibliographic research was chosen. The results revealed that the main contribution of Distance Education to RE was in relation to the evaluation processes supported by TDIC. In addition, it evidenced the need to rethink the old evaluation practices, focusing more on classification and quantification, seeking to adopt diagnostic and qualitative evaluations. It is worth mentioning that in order to achieve this goal, teachers must diversify the evaluation process that helps them to define, in a clear way, the evaluation criteria for students. Teachers were also instructed to provide feedback on the activities developed by the students. The article presents and comments on ten tips on how to evaluate in the ER, better preparing teachers to reframe their evaluative practices, making them a powerful tool for building solid knowledge, which will be fundamental when the teaching goes back to the classroom. Thus, it is concluded that it is necessary to understand that assessment is not synonymous with a test, it is an activity that is part of the student's training process. Assessing is a privileged act of monitoring learning.
Keywords: Remote education. Evaluation. Digital technologies.
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