For a New Teacher Education: Why Is It Important to Learn How to Use Technologies in Education?




The year of 2020 was affected by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, causing a migration of the curricula developed in the face-to-face modality for the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). In this context, there is an urgent discussion regarding the training of teachers in order to use technologies in an educational context. In this sense, the present work aims to analyze a specific case of teacher training for the use of technology in undergraduate courses in view of the demands of teachers. It is a theoretical-practical work motivated by empirical data and curriculum discussion. The locus of the research is the Virtual University of São Paulo State, a public institution that offers undergraduate courses in the distance modality, with more than 45 thousand active students. The empirical data motivating the research were extracted from the evaluation of a training course on the use of technologies for remote classes. It was realized through the analysis of the proposals of the disciplines, works delivered by students and project proposals the possibilities of training for appropriation of technologies in a critical way in the training of teachers. It is concluded that it is increasingly necessary as a basic element in teacher training.

Keywords: Remote teaching. Distance education. Teacher training. Educational technology.


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How to Cite

Garbin, M., & Oliveira, E. T. de . (2021). For a New Teacher Education: Why Is It Important to Learn How to Use Technologies in Education?. EaD Em Foco, 11(2).

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