The effects of the adjustments to the strategies of student permanence and adaptation in the COVID-19 context. An experience from the classrooms of the School of Law (UNC)
The declaration of COVID-19 pandemic and the emergency health measures taken by the Argentine government affected the teaching of university education. Our highly frequented and public National University of Córdoba decided to face the health crisis by virtualizing teaching. In the Faculty of Law, the teaching teams adapted their content, strategies and face-to-face teaching practices to an unforeseen remote learning. It posed a challenge for both students and teachers, and more so for those attending and teaching introductory subjects. Focused on involving and attracting our students, we decided to readjust the permanence and adaptation strategies applied in previous years to the current context. Here we present the experiences and results obtained from the application of these strategies in a group of students who began their studies in the context of a pandemic and we try to describe: how has the virtualization of teaching, caused by the health situation, affected the permanence and adaptation of this group of first-year law students? What effects has the new course modality had on the performance of students in the subject?
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