Learning Evaluation in Time of Social Isolation from Coronavirus: Reports on the Management of the CEDERJ Consortium
This article aims to present the management challenges of the Academic Board of the CEDERJ/CECIERJ Consortium, face of the actions carried out for the maintenance of the 2020/1 semester, during the period of social isolation due to the pandemic of the new Coronavirus, and to evaluate the impacts of the changes made on students and professors who coordinate the discipline. The research carried out was of the descriptive type, the methodological procedures were based on quantitative opinion research with students and coordinators. The CEDERJ Consortium has a wide variety of courses, so the solutions found were diverse, considering the universities' autonomy. The presential tutoring were replaced by synchronous virtual meetings, keeping pre-scheduled times, using tools inside and outside the Moodle CEDERJ platform. The presential assessments were replaced by assessments carried out on the Moodle CEDERJ platform, called APX. The survey with students and teachers revealed different profiles in relation to internet's access and the need to leave home to work during the pandemic. The biggest difficulties reported were adapting the submission deadline and psychological conditions for students; and detect plagiarism in tests and adapting the tests to the online format, for teachers. It is believed that the effort of the CEDERJ Consortium to maintain the academic period was successful in giving the opportunity for students to complete their disciplines with quality and, consequently, their courses, which, in the last instance, is a main mission of this consortium of universities.
Keywords: Covid-19. Evaluation. Diagnosis. Academic management.
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