Epistemological Analysis of the Curriculum and Pedagogical Actions in Blended Learning


  • Jorge Maurí­cio da Silva Brito Faculdade de Teologia e Ciências Humana (FATECH), Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Amapá (SEED/AP) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9426-2965
  • Edna Maria Biz Pasini Faculdade de Teologia e Ciências Humanas




New technologies are already part of our life, so they can no longer be seen as simple resources but as fundamental instruments for the exercise of our own humanity. The Blended Learning is a possibility of fusion between virtual and face-to-face spaces. In this work we present a critical reflection and meanings for what the blended learning is and what is its logic of systematization of knowledge, with the aim of showing the inter-relationships between curriculum and pedagogical actions, experience and knowledge. The method adopted was the theoretical review. And the main result was that learning will not be hybrid only if the teacher and student are in different places, but in the way that the teaching action causes the experience of knowledge in students; the idea of the virtual is not that of a separate physical space, but of a place where intelligence finds adequate subsidies to open up to new knowledge.

Keywords: Analysis. Blended. Learning. Curriculum. Pedagogical actions


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Author Biographies

Jorge Maurí­cio da Silva Brito, Faculdade de Teologia e Ciências Humana (FATECH), Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Amapá (SEED/AP)


Faculdade de Teologia e Ciências Humanas

Av. Profa. Cora de Carvalho, 1628, Central, Macapá - AP, Brasil

Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Amapá

Av. Fab, 96 - Central, Macapá - AP, Brasil


Edna Maria Biz Pasini, Faculdade de Teologia e Ciências Humanas

Mestre em Ciências da Religião (Faculdade UNIDA)
Licenciada em Pedagogia (Faculdade ATUAL)


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How to Cite

Brito, J. M. da S., & Pasini, E. M. B. . (2020). Epistemological Analysis of the Curriculum and Pedagogical Actions in Blended Learning. EaD Em Foco, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v10i2.1111



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