Formation of a Virtual Learning Environment: One Discipline, Virtual Spaces, Interactions...
The objective with this article is to discuss procedures that favored the formation of a virtual learning environment, when planning and developing a discipline of a distance course. The discussion is based on a Doctoral Research, in which a discipline was planned and developed with the objective of formation a virtual learning environment. In the proposal and analysis of the discipline, offered in a distance course of Degree in Mathematics Professors, differences between spaces and virtual environments were considered; different styles of use of virtual by the students; the definition of virtual spaces and digital technologies and the development of activities, among other aspects that could favor interactions in virtual environments, with a focus on student learning. What we concluded was that the formation of the virtual learning environment of this discipline was related to the articulation between the virtual spaces and digital technologies made available, the proposed tasks and activities, and the fact of contemplating different styles of use of virtual by the studentes; that favored that interactions were produced in the different environments of the discipline.
Keywords: Distance education. Higher education. Styles of use of virtual. Digital technologies.
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