MAP - Practical Evaluation Material in Distance Physical Education: Experience Report




The intention of this study is to report the learning experience with the Practical Evaluation Material (MAP) in video format in the Physical Education undergraduate course, in the distance modality. This is an experience report of a descriptive reflexive-critical nature referring to the experience in the construction, realization and recording of the materials. The objectives, proposals and duration of the videos of the practical subjects attended from November 2018 to September 2019 were reported, totaling five practices in the subjects of 1. School Gymnastics; 2. Collective Sports: Futsal and Football; 3. Individual Sports: Athletics; 4. Rhythmic and Dance Fundamentals and 5. Fights. It can be concluded that the use of ABPM as a tool for evaluating practical activities in the distance physical education course allows the future teacher to experience activities that will later be passed on to students at school, making the new teacher able to train and/or act at different levels of education and the various contents proposed by the subjects of the Physical Education course.

Keywords: Methodology. Teaching. Distance training


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How to Cite

Antunes, M. B. ., & Ferreira, H. P. (2020). MAP - Practical Evaluation Material in Distance Physical Education: Experience Report. EaD Em Foco, 10(1).



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