Open Educational Resources: a Study Among Teachers in Brazil and the United States of America




The article reports a comparative survey of data collected by means of questionnaires applied to teachers working in the Elementary Education Initial Years (EFI) between the countries of Brazil and the United States of America (USA). Participated in the research 84 professors, 52 from Brazil and 10 from the USA. Of a qualitative nature, it consists of analysis of legislation and data collection through an opinion questionnaire answered through Google Forms and made available via WhatsApp and printed paper. It aimed to examine whether teachers know, use, reuse and share Open Educational Resources (OER) content comparing teachers from Brazil and the USA. The results reveal distinct OER needs among teachers and greater dissemination of OER to EFI teachers from both countries.

Keywords: Open Educational Resources. Education. Continuing teacher education


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Author Biography

Irene Zangalli , Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Curitiba - Paraná.

Master in Education. Graduated in Pedagogy. Elementary School Teacher of the Municipal Education Network of Curitiba.


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How to Cite

Zangalli , I. ., & Mendes, A. A. P. . (2020). Open Educational Resources: a Study Among Teachers in Brazil and the United States of America. EaD Em Foco, 10(2).



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