The Place of Research in Teaching Training in Distance Learning in the Geography Degree Course




The present study has as its main objective to point out the place of research along the distance education teacher education, developing the student in his undergraduate, not only to teach his specific science classes, but also for this student to see in the research, a way to generate knowledge. The methodological paths of this research went through three stages. The first consists of bibliographic research to support the understanding of the meaning of teacher-researcher. As a second step, an analysis was performed in the curriculum of the course of Geography Degree of UERJ, in the distance education modality, in which it is observed how this curriculum has given rise to research training of the teacher of Geography. The third and last, is based on the monitoring of 10 students, from 2013 and the result of their research that culminated in monographs defended until the year 2019, so that corroborates the teacher education obtained in undergraduate degree. As a result, we can see the academic growth of these 10 students since their entry into the undergraduate course, so the curriculum analyzed, by offering a discipline every period focused on a scientific practice of this future teacher of geography in the teaching profession, which will be tying even the previous discipline to the monograph, it made a difference to the development of this teacher-researcher, added to the orientation phase for their respective course completion works. Finally, all students in their monographs showed themselves to be researchers seeking to develop themes focused on their pedagogical practice, which means that this research aims at their performance in teaching, reinforcing the idea that this teacher does not only have to reproduce content, but use the classroom to generate knowledge in a dialogical way with their students.

Keywords: Professor-researcher. Teacher training. Distance graduation


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Lobato, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Has Degree in Geography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2011); Master in Cartographic Engineering from the Graduate Program of the Military Institute of Engineering (2014); and doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Geography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, inserted in the Cartography Laboratory (GEOCART UFRJ). He is currently a distance tutor for Continental Geomorphology at CEDERJ; Coordinator of the Geography Degree Course at Veiga de Almeida University, also acting as a teacher of the disciplines Basic and Thematic Cartography; Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing; Cultural Cartography; Cultural geography; Geography Practice and Research, in addition to being responsible for the PANGEA study group. Has experience in Geosciences, focusing on Cartography and Geoprocessing, acting on the following subjects: Cartography in Geography Teaching; Letters in Cartography; Cartographic Literacy Practices; Literacies in Geography; Cartography Applied to Environmental Analysis; Use of Geotechnologies Applied to Natural Disasters.

Vanilda, Rio de Janeiro State University

Graduated in Pedagogy, specialization in Psychopedagogy, masters and doctorate in Education. Have you been a professor at Rio de Janeiro State University? UERJ worked in the Department of Studies Applied to Education in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, where she coordinated research in the area of "‹"‹Language, Human Cognition and Educational Processes (1992-2004). She was also a substitute professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2007-2008), professor and advisor to the Santa Úrsula University Rectory (1994–2007), visiting professor at the Isabel Institute who works in the Postgraduate courses in Psychopedagogy (1997-2008). 2003), visiting professor at the University of Grande Rio and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation working, respectively, in the Postgraduate courses in Psychopedagogy (1997-2003) and Teaching Methodology (2007). She is currently tutoring coordinator of the Degree in Geography course of the Center for Science and Higher Distance Education Foundation of the State of RJ. Has experience in Education, acting on the following subjects: teacher training, learning, assessment and teaching-learning.


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How to Cite

Lobato, R., & Vanilda. (2020). The Place of Research in Teaching Training in Distance Learning in the Geography Degree Course. EaD Em Foco, 10(1).



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