The Influence of Institutional Conditions of Public Universities for the Development of Teachers' Electronic Competences in Higher Education




The expansion of Brazilian higher education institutions (HEIs), especially with the installation of several campi in the interior cities of the country and the advance of information and communication technologies (ICT) have driven the use of distance education (ODL) by universities as a way to respond to new educational demands arising from changes in the new world economic order. This new teaching-learning scenario involves changing the competences and training of higher education teachers: solid academic development, professional experience and pedagogical competence. The development of such competences may therefore be influenced by the institutional conditions of the universities in which the professors are inserted. Thus, this study sought to analyze how the development of electronic competences of higher education teachers relate to the conditions of the organizational context of higher education institutions. As locus for conducting the qualitative case study, the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) was chosen. It was evidenced that most of the construction of the profile of e-competences of teachers of UFAL is more due to the daily practice and the need of teachers to possess the knowledge and resourcefulness to teach in distance learning, without waiting for improvements. conditions presented by UFAL. It is observed that the institution still has gaps in its university management that need to be reviewed and worked in order to really contribute significantly to the development of e-skills of its faculty to work in distance education.
Keywords: University context. Federal university. Electronic competences.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, M. A. C., Pinto, C. L. T., & Cassundé, F. R. de S. A. (2020). The Influence of Institutional Conditions of Public Universities for the Development of Teachers’ Electronic Competences in Higher Education. EaD Em Foco, 10(1).



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