The Challenges of the Mathematical Analysis in a Distance Graduation Course


  • Marcelo Ferreira de Melo Universidade Federal do Ceará



The objective of this study was to investigate a math analysis course for teaching licensure offered at a distance. The attempt is to understand how the course Introduction to Analysis in a teaching licensure distance program offered by a federal university, in Ceará state, is proposed by the institution, taught by the instructor, and experienced by the students. This study used qualitative research methods to analyze data from official university documents, interviews with the teacher responsible for the discipline, and from the virtual and face-to-face activities carried out by students in the course. The findings showed that although teaching and learning mathematics at a distance can be more challenging than face-to-face instruction, the effective participation in classes taught through web conferencing can make a difference in student achievement in addition to discussion forums interaction and submission of assignments on time. In times of financial crisis, where face-to-face meetings are increasingly scarce, the use of web conferencing has proven to be an effective strategy in teaching and learning math analysis courses.

Keywords: Mathematics teaching. Degree in mathematics. Mathematical analysis. Web conferencing.


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How to Cite

Melo, M. F. de. (2019). The Challenges of the Mathematical Analysis in a Distance Graduation Course. EaD Em Foco, 9(1).



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