Development of Gamified Mathematics Learning Objects In a Massive Open Online Course
Gamified learning objects, Continuing training, Teaching mathematics, MOOCs.Abstract
This article presents a professional doctoral research conducted from 2019 to 2023 at the Federal Technological University of Paraná. The research aimed to analyze how the development of gamified learning objects impacted the teaching knowledge and technological expertise of Mathematics teachers in a massive open online course. To achieve this, we conducted a qualitative study from a pragmatic philosophical perspective, exploring studies on digital technologies in Mathematics education and creating and offering a massive open online course for middle and high school Mathematics teachers. A total of 113 participants enrolled in the course, of which 28 completed it. Data produced by this audience were collected through questionnaires, discussion forum entries, materials created by participants, and observations/notes from the researcher. Through the analysis, we found that the course enriched teachers' scientific and technical knowledge, fostering teaching knowledge and technological expertise in digital technologies, thus impacting educational processes in Mathematics. As an educational product, we made improvements to the course and allocated it to the Sophia Portal of the University.
Keywords: Gamified learning objects. Continuing training. Teaching mathematics. MOOCs. Digital technologies.
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