Virtual Math Team and Resolution of Mathematical Tasks in Distance Education
Virtual spaces, Degree in mathematics professors, Teaching practice, Geometric representationAbstract
In this article we present in this article a study of a mathematical task using Virtual Math Teams with GeoGebra in an undergraduate Mathematics Education program offered in the distance learning modality by a public Higher Education institution affiliated with the Open University of Brazil. Based on the "Expanded Virtual Being Together" approach for Distance Education and the interpretivist perspective, the data presented here are part of a doctoral research in Education. In the data analysis, through the proposed resolution of a mathematical task, the research highlighted the potential use of this platform for organizing and structuring virtual spaces for the training of mathematics teachers in both face-to-face and distance learning courses. This conclusion stemmed from the fact that the digital resources available for the geometric and algebraic representation of mathematical objects can be used collaboratively in synchronous or asynchronous moments, fostering knowledge construction through interaction among students, the teacher, the mathematical object, digital resources, and the students themselves.
Keywords: Virtual spaces. Degree in mathematics professors. Teaching practice. Geometric representation.
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