Distance Education at Nied-Unicamp - Realizations and Reflections





Ubiquity, Mobility, TelEduc , Online education, Educational technologies


NIED, Nucleus of Informatics Applied to Education, completed 40 years in May 2023. Throughout its history, this research center has stood out nationally and internationally for its work related to the use of digital communication and information technologies (DCIT) in different education levels: basic, higher, non-formal, special education, and training in companies. Specifically in relation to distance education (EaD), NIED developed the distance education environment – TelEduc, the first free software for Distance Education in Brazil, which was used in different educational contexts, especially in research on the training of educators. As future actions, the work at NIED focuses on the development of new distance education environments, in line with the demands of mobility and ubiquity.  


Keywords: Educational technologies. Online education. TelEduc. Mobility. Ubiquity.


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How to Cite

Valente, J. A., Linhalis, F., & Prado, M. E. (2024). Distance Education at Nied-Unicamp - Realizations and Reflections. EaD Em Foco, 14(2), e2243. https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v14i2.2243