Students' Perception of the Use of Proactive Teaching Practices in Anatomy Blended Teaching
Blended teaching, Active methodologies, Physical education, Higher educationAbstract
Digital information and communication technologies have been gradually incorporated into the teaching of Anatomy, with studies highlighting experiences of their integration into traditional teaching. However, such practices still occur on a sporadic basis, not being continuous in the discipline. This article aims to analyze the perception of Physical Education undergraduates at a Public University in Rio de Janeiro regarding innovative pedagogical practices in Anatomy, that adopt blended teaching and active methodologies. The practical action research was conducted by the teacher in her classroom, with data generated through research diaries, field notes, and a questionnaire. Microsoft Excel was used to tabulate quantitative data and produce graphs. The results were analyzed in conjunction with qualitative data from open-ended questionnaire responses. The obtained results were favorable to the implemented pedagogical innovation, as students perceived themselves as protagonists in pedagogical practices and reported that they learned Anatomy content in a motivating, dynamic, playful, and enjoyable manner. The consistent integration of these practices can thus promote a broader and lasting transformation in Anatomy teaching.
Keywords: Blended teaching. Active methodologies. Physical education. Higher education.
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