Student Permanence in Distance Learning Higher Education Courses: a Reinterpretation of Rovai's Model Based on Bibliometric Research




Permanence, Higher education, Distance learning


The expansion of distance higher education courses is a growing reality in Brazil. Since 2020, the modality has registered a greater number of entrants than face-to-face courses. In contrast, general data on student retention in higher education courses points to a decline, warning about the responsibility of managers and educators in relation to improving this modality. Given this panorama, the main objective of this article is to contribute to the theme of student retention in distance higher education courses by re-reading the Rovai model, through bibliometric research, using the ProKnow-C methodology, applied in the Database Scopus. As a result, the most significant permanence factors highlighted in articles of international relevance are presented, as well as a re-reading of the Rovai model, considering these new factors highlighted in the literature. The re-reading will contribute to other researchers who are interested in the topic and to Higher Education Institutions that are looking for improvements in student retention rates in distance higher education courses.


Keywords: Higher education. Distance education. Student permanence. Bibliometrics


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How to Cite

Hack, L. E., & Costa, A. M. (2025). Student Permanence in Distance Learning Higher Education Courses: a Reinterpretation of Rovai’s Model Based on Bibliometric Research. EaD Em Foco, 15(1), e2165.



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