Higher Education Mediated by Digital Technologies: a Discussion on Teacher Development in Distance Learning





Mediation technologies, Virtual facilitator, Teacher development


Based on the context of distance learning (EaD), this article reflects on teacher development in relation to virtual learning facilitators in the program offered by the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp), the first public virtual university in the country. Qualitative analysis was applied into 36 Univesp Facilitator Reports from the years 2021 to 2023, presenting experiences of virtual facilitators with students of graduation in Teaching areas and Pedagogy courses at the institution. The analysis highlights the challenges of mediation tasks that sophisticated technologies for remote teaching seek to address, deserving a privileged focus in the debate on distance learning (EaD) in Brazil. The results provide evidence regarding the limitations faced by virtual facilitators in terms of students' engagement and in implementing teaching practices that enable the development of academic writing authored by graduated students in a world where artificial intelligence comes into play, impacting the quality of education in the EaD modality for future educators.


Keywords: Mediation technologies. Teacher development. Virtual facilitator. 


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How to Cite

Rutkowski, E. A. C., Levi, T. C., Paula, R. S. de L., & Guercio, M. R. (2024). Higher Education Mediated by Digital Technologies: a Discussion on Teacher Development in Distance Learning. EaD Em Foco, 14(2), e2155. https://doi.org/10.18264/eadf.v14i2.2155