Motivation of Accounting Students: a Study in the Context of Remote Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic




Autodeterminação, Motivação, Ensino remoto, Aprendizado


The years 2020 and 2021 were marked by the Covid-19 pandemic and the need for social isolation. Faced with this scenario, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have proposed the use of new strategies to maintain student learning and, for this reason, most universities in Brazil have opted for remote classes. This article aims to analyze the factors that promote the motivation of Accounting students at a private university in Rio de Janeiro, using remote classes as a scenario, from the perspective of self-determination theory. The methodology took a qualitative, descriptive approach, with in-depth interviews with a corpus of 12 fourth-year Accounting students from semester 2021.1. The results showed that most of the students were autonomously motivated to study, with six being intrinsically motivated. In this sense, it was possible to see that environmental and personal factors affect students' intrinsic motivation and that their behaviors are guided by contexts that provide contributions to psychological needs, which demand competencies from individuals that can vary the level and type of motivation.


Keywords: Self-determination. Motivation. Remote teaching. Learning. Covid-19


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, T. M., Kurtz, R. G. M., & Duque , A. P. O. (2024). Motivation of Accounting Students: a Study in the Context of Remote Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2149.



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