Self-assessment in MOOC on Lean Management in Civil Construction




MOOCs., Distance Education., Self-evaluation., Assessment.


The growing demand for online courses for continuing education opens up opportunities for higher education institutions to offer a variety of courses for different audiences. One of the alternative formats is Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which is characterized, among other elements, by emphasizing students' autonomy and self-management. This implies relativizing traditional strategies for controlling activities and evaluating performance and adopting practices that are compliant and encourage students' autonomy and self-management. To evaluate the self-management practices of students on MOOC courses, a survey was carried out with students of the Lean Management in Civil Construction course, offered in MOOC format by the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) in partnership with the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) since 2020. The data was obtained through self-assessments administered to students at the beginning and end of the course. The results revealed that, despite the difficulties inherent to the specific content and modality, students are aware that a MOOC requires self-discipline, responsibility and motivation, as it advocates student autonomy in their learning. From the data obtained in this evaluation, it appears that students who studied all the content and completed all activities were successful in obtaining certification at the end of the course. In view of the analyzes carried out, the importance of self-assessment as a tool for evaluating course performance stands out. It is a systematic and transparent way of evaluating student performance, allowing the course's learning objectives to be communicated in a clear and objective manner, improving the quality of feedback provided and standardizing assessment.


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How to Cite

Aline Fornari, Carvalho, P. B., Freitas, M. do C. D., Adrião, M., & Pacheco, A. P. G. (2024). Self-assessment in MOOC on Lean Management in Civil Construction. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2148.



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