Persona, a Digital Marketing Tool in Teaching Methodologies: Segmenting to Value Differences




Teaching, Engagment, Telematics, Person, Marketing


Personalized Teaching, method identified as one of the strongest trends in contemporary Education, aims at a series of pedagogical strategies aimed at promoting the development of students in an individualized manner, taking into account that students learn in different ways and at different paces and that they also Their prior knowledge, skills and interests are diverse. What this research proposes is an adaptation of the Persona tool, successfully used in digital marketing to bring companies closer to their target audience, for the segment of Education, contributing to the dissemination and implementation of Personalizes Teaching. To this end, it uses a qualitative approach based on a narrative bibliographic review, analyzing some multidisciplinary concepts in digital marketing, psychology and pedagogy to demonstrate the feasibility and relevance of the proposal. The article demonstrates that the use of the Persona tool can contribute to innovation in the field of teaching methodologies, both in terms of pedagogical practices and in the development of new approaches to telematics learning, impacting the student-teacher relationship with targeted teaching planning and personalized assessment processes. Therefore, it is possible to access relevant information and use more inclusive techniques that make the teaching environment more equal and attractive.

Keywords: Engagement. Marketing. Person. Teaching. Telematics.


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How to Cite

Lessa, M. M. (2024). Persona, a Digital Marketing Tool in Teaching Methodologies: Segmenting to Value Differences. EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2147.



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