Digital Skills of Higher Education Students: a Systematic Review of International Literature
University education, Systematic literature review, Students, Digital skillsAbstract
. This article aimed to carry out a systematic international literature review (SLR) on the digital skills of higher education students. To this end, two guiding research questions were developed: 1-How is the digital competence of students defined in the context of higher education? and 2-What are the models commonly used to assess the digital competence of university students? As a methodological strategy, SLR was adopted, which corresponds to a theoretical construction process whose sole objective is to review documents obtained from various relevant databases regardless of access to any primary data and constitutes an essential tool for synthesizing available scientific information and evidence, increase the validity of conclusions from individual studies and identify future research agendas. The findings allow us to conclude that the definition of digital competence for higher education students follows a generalist pattern, not considering the specificities of the educational context in which students are inserted and that the most used model continues to be DigComp, a European proposition to evaluate and monitor the development of digital competence of European citizens in general.
Keywords: Digital skills. University education. Students. Systematic literature review.
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