Accuracy and Reliability of ChatGPT as perceived by Distance Learning Students
ChatGPT, Educational tool, College education, E-learning, Teaching-learning processAbstract
This study aimed to identify the understating of undergraduate students regarding the use of the ChatGPT tool, considering the accuracy of the answers, the reliability, its potential for learning and professional applications. To achieve this, an activity was proposed for undergraduate students enrolled at the Study Methods and Techniques discipline via distance learning, offered by a private higher education institution located in Baixada Fluminense, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This subject is offered in all undergraduate courses throughout the third period. The activity developed consisted of using the tool to respond to theoretical concepts in their area of expertise and then to answer a questionnaire with objective and discursive questions. A total of 47 responses were obtained, which were investigated and interpreted in light of qualitative content analysis. As a result, it was demonstrated that the interviewees perceived the usefulness of the AI tool, but they identified ethical issues related to its usage, as well as possible challenges related to the development of learning.
Keywords: ChatGPT. Educational tool. Teaching-learning process. College education. E-learning.
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