The contribution of the ICTs on the Reading Comprehension of English Academic Texts
Reading comprehension of english academic texts, Scientific vocabularyAbstract
This quantitative research examines the contribution of information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially of gamified and interactive activities, to the teaching and learning of scientific vocabulary and comprehension of academic texts in English in the field of Education. The research involved the participation of 26 Education students (25 postgraduate and one undergraduate) from the Federal University of Pará in an online English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course, which was based on the recommendations made by researchers in the areas of technologies, teaching and learning of English and instructional design. The learning activities developed for the course were made available on the Moodle (Lesson and Quiz tools) and also on the free app Quizlet (gamified flashcards). The students were given a pretest and a posttest after eight lessons, whose comparative analyses between them revealed a considerable increase in the mean scores of the posttest, which suggests that the technologies used had a beneficial effect. In short, the study obtained positive results to the two hypotheses tested: acquisition of scientific vocabulary and text comprehension in English.
Keywords: ICTs. ESP. Scientific vocabulary. Reading comprehension of english academic texts.
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