Visual Culture in Virtual Learning Environments: Professors and Undergraduate Student Views
Visual culture, Virtual learning environment, Undergraduate student perception, Professor perceptionAbstract
In Distance Education, virtuality and the use of digital technologies favor the application of Visual Culture to enrich the construction of knowledge and communication. Thus, this article aims to investigate the perceptions of students and professors from distance undergraduate programs regarding the use of Visual Culture elements in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). This study involved 18 professors and 58 students from 8 distance undergraduate courses at a Brazilian federal public University. A digital mixed-methods questionnaire was served as the data collection instrument. Descriptive analyses were performed on the objective questions and statistical tests were applied using SPSS software. Subjective questions underwent qualitative analysis using Saldaña's coding cycles. By examining the gathered responses, it became possible to conduct analyses and reflections concerning the demand for potential enhancements in the teaching and learning process within the Distance Education context. The focus lies on improving the integration of elements of Visual Culture evidenced by the participants in three aspects: in the methodology, in the communication between the actors and in the visual organization of information in the VLE.
Keywords: Visual Culture. Virtual learning environment. Undergraduate student perception. Professor perception.
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