The Role of Gamification in Teaching Strategic Planning to Entrepreneurs
On-line learning, Gamification , EntrepreneursAbstract
From the scenario of technological trends made possible by the internet, gamification is one of the prominent trends on the world stage. In Brazil, recent studies on the gaming market show a growth in the gaming sector in the area of corporate training, and an expressive number of online game players. Given this initial information, the objective of this study is to understand how gamification can help entrepreneurs learn strategic planning. To reach the objective, we will go through bibliographic references on learning, entrepreneurship and gamification, and the connection between each term. As a research methodology, data from interviews with player entrepreneurs and with creators and supporters of the learning ecosystem for small entrepreneurs have been analyzed qualitatively. In the discussion of the results, the findings of the study and the perception of the contribution of gamified learning by the participants, as well as recommendations for the continuity of research on this topic.
Keywords: On-line learning. Entrepreneurs. Gamification.
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