Control and Transparency in Federal Institutions of Higher Education: an Exploratory study of the Open University of Brazil
Distance education, University management, Open governmentAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze whether universities that adhere to the Open University of Brazil (UAB) System follow the constitutional principle of publicity through active transparency on their institutional websites. This is an exploratory study with a qualitative, applied approach. The results were obtained through a documentary survey from the institutional websites of 26 federal universities participating in the UAB System. The relevance of the study lies in the recommendations for federal universities to implement actions that enhance transparency. Management tools applicable to their electronic portals are proposed, as these play a role in improving the efficiency of institutional transparency. It is concluded that the same Information and Communication Technology that enables pedagogical mediation in the UAB is capable of improving the level of management transparency.
Keywords: Distance education. Open government. University management.
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