Meaningful Learning in Distance Learning: Possibilities from the Document Analysis of the Subject “Education and Body Culture: Fundamentals and Practices” in the Pedagogy Course at the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (UNIVESP)




Distance education, Meaningful learning, Freire, Ausubel


The distance education emerged from the necessity to offer basic education to the vulnerable population. Over the years, distance learning has grown dramatically, going through an intense process of expansion of vacancies and types of courses. In Brazil, there were decisive measures that allowed not only the regulation of distance education, but such also as the creation of the Universidade Aberta do Brasil system and, more recently, the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (UNIVESP). The interest in discussing this topic began with the authors' experience in the practice of operating as facilitators in the disciplines they followed during their trajectory in the lato sensu postgraduate course at UNIVESP. The study aimed to investigate and analyze the possibilities of using meaningful learning in distance education from a subject offered in the Pedagogy course at UNIVESP.


Keywords: Distance education. Freire. Ausubel. Meaningful learning.


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How to Cite

Joaquim, A. R. de S., & Machado, I. (2024). Meaningful Learning in Distance Learning: Possibilities from the Document Analysis of the Subject “Education and Body Culture: Fundamentals and Practices” in the Pedagogy Course at the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (UNIVESP). EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e2007.



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