The Tutor in Distance Education: ANPED Literature Review from 2015 to 2021




Education, Decree, Tutoring


The theme of this article is based on the role of the tutor in Distance Education (EaD), pervading Decree nº 5622, published in 2005 and which was revoked by Decree 9,057, in 2017. The following problem was investigated: “what are the productions national scientific findings published in the work of the last four ANPED meetings, which disagree regarding the issue of mentoring in its scope and which (do not) mention the decree in force at the time researched, in the period from 2015 to 2021?” The general objective was to analyze the national academic production of articles published in the last four national meetings of ANPED (2015-2021) on tutoring in distance learning that mention Decree No. 5,622/2005 and/or Decree No. 9,057/2017. This was a theoretical qualitative research, of a descriptive and exploratory nature, in which four productions were found to compose the data analysis corpus. The final considerations point to the lack of clarity between the nomenclatures used in relation to the virtual tutor, as well as regarding the role assigned to him, corroborating the statements that there is no defined role in his field of work, as well as gaps in the determination cool about their actual functions.


Keywords: Education. Distance education. Tutoring. Decree.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. de S. dos, & Branco, J. C. S. (2024). The Tutor in Distance Education: ANPED Literature Review from 2015 to 2021: . EaD Em Foco, 14(1), e1958.


