The Emergence of Online Education: Narratives of Narratives of an Online Education through/in other Face-to-Face




The work reports the experience of a research-training in cyberculture. In understanding the context of the emergence of fake news and its repercussions in the contemporary world to develop methodologies for cyberresearch-training in post-truth times. We start from the notions of fake news, disinformation and post-truth to dialogue with the narratives and images of practitioners. Situated in research with everyday life, having as a method and political option a research practice that promotes an immersion and co-authorship action in the field, forming and forming in the exchange with cultural practitioners. The field of research was the daily life of the discipline "Informatics in Education" of the distance Pedagogy course at UERJ/CEDERJ/UAB, lived in the perspective of investigating how this war of narratives has been modifying the forms of action and teacher training, even in the context of pandemic.

Keywords: Research-training in cyberculture. Online teaching. Fake news. Pandemic.


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How to Cite

Carriço de Almeida, W., & Oliveira dos Santos, E. (2022). The Emergence of Online Education: Narratives of Narratives of an Online Education through/in other Face-to-Face. EaD Em Foco, 12(3), e1922.