Telemedicine During Covid-19 Pandemic - a Medical Education Program




The Covid-19 pandemic is responsible for a major impact on medical education, leading to the suspension of face-to-face meetings and reformulation of curricular structures. New methodologies, such as telemedicine, have emerged as a teaching tool that provides practical and safe activities. In this context, a group from a Federal University started a program to fight Covid-19, developing a platform for medical students to provide assistance to patients with the flu syndrome. This program aimed at medical education in telehealth skills and care for patients with flu syndrome. To certify that such competences were acquired, the present study carried out an evaluation of the program's effectiveness from an educational point of view, following the Kirkpatrick methodology. Of the fifty-six students who participated in the program, fifty (89%) answered the questionnaire. The results showed high average scores regarding the degree of student satisfaction with the program and the degree of confidence and commitment to using telemedicine in the future. Post-test results indicated higher significance on the acquisition of knowledge and skills in telemedicine and patient care with Covid-19. In addition to changes in the local health context, by providing real care to patients with the flu syndrome. The program was able to provide a robust and effective educational experience for students. Indicating the impact of educational programs within specific health contexts, such as epidemics of highly transmissible diseases, and acquisition of necessary skills in telemedicine and emerging diseases.

Keywords: Remote monitoring. Telehealth. E-health services. Digital health. Telehealth services.


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Author Biography

Maeve Freitas, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Graduada em Medicina pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG (2008-2014). Residência Médica em Clí­nica Médica pelo Hospital Odilon Behrens - HOB (2015-2017). Residência Médica em Reumatologia pela Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro - UFTM (2017-2019). Mestre em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade Federal de Lavras-MG (2019-2021). Professora Auxiliar de Clí­nica Médica do Curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA. Atua em consultório Particular Especializado. Tem experiência principalmente na área de clí­nica médica, em atenção primária e medicina interna, e na área de reumatologia.


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How to Cite

Freitas, M., Graciano, M. M. de C. ., Pereira, M. R., & Moura, R. F. de. (2022). Telemedicine During Covid-19 Pandemic - a Medical Education Program. EaD Em Foco, 12(1).



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