andemic Effect on Supervised Internship and Opportunity for Proposals for Alternative Activities
The Supervised Internship is, unlike other disciplines, an activity necessarily carried out in person at the partner school of the educational institution where the licensee attends his graduation. One of the objectives, the main one, is the setting of this student, future teacher, in the complex physical space of school education, society's microcosm. Living in this environment has always been considered to be of great formative power. However, during the New Coronavirus pandemic, and in view of the closure of schools due to the risk of contamination of students, teachers, staff and other actors in this community, the coordination of the undergraduate pedagogical disciplines was forced to seek alternatives for that. On the one hand, in order to avoid the postponement of the licensee's preparation for his future teaching experience. Therefore, the growing demand for teaching professionals with experience in technologies to support education, presented itself as an opportunity to produce training content for these new career entrants. In this way, activities were proposed and carried out to provide students with training and differentiation.
Keywords: Internship. Pandemic. Graduation.
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