Distance Higher Education as a Possibility of Intergenerational Mobility – Case of Adult Women at the Open University of Brazil (UAB)
Distance higher education has proven to be a viable option for adult learners due to the flexibility offered by online learning, allowing students to combine study with paid work, family and other responsibilities, as well as enhancing the intergenerational mobility of education. However, when it comes to adult women, there is a pattern in relation to the level of education between fathers and daughters, along with the interference of family composition and/or the presence of children, in the completion or withdrawal of undergraduate courses at distance. The purpose of this article is to present the profile of the public who take the distance undergraduate courses of a Public Institution of Higher Education, linked to the Open University System of Brazil (UAB), focusing on adult women (over 25 years old). To better understand this phenomenon, secondary data from the registration and from the socioeconomic research questionnaire applied to graduates from the courses in the period from 2011 to 2015 were used. The results show an average trend of increasing intergenerational mobility in education. This trend seems to be driven mainly by educational policies that have particularly benefited adult women, who are accessing higher education for the first time also are already active in the labor market, have children and are daughters of parents with low levels of education.
Keywords: Distance higher education. Intergenerational mobility of Education. Adult women.
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