Emergency Remote Teaching: Research on the Initial Perception of Higher Education Students
This article deals with a research carried out with higher education students, in the context of the Covid19 pandemic, precisely at the moment of transition from face-to-face teaching to remote teaching. Based on the demands brought by students to the sectors that provide pedagogical support services, a research instrument was constructed that aimed to capture students' perception of remote teaching. The instrument, structured with close and open-ended questions and made available to students through the institution's academic system, in May 2020, addressed issues related to the organization of the curriculum units, the conditions for remote study and the adoption of study strategies compatible with the scenario. Quantitative data was treated by multivariate cluster analysis and qualitative data was categorized by content analysis. The results indicated that the research related to the perception of the institution's students regarding the first moments of remote activities guided collegiate decisions about teaching and student support, in order to allow institutionally resolved difficulties that arose in the transition scenario. However, the results suggest that institutional investment is still needed in pedagogical training, offered to both teachers and students, in order to strengthen the learning of self-regulatory skills, which are reflected in the teaching and learning process in higher education.
Keywords: Emergency remote learning. University education. Self-regulation of learning.
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