Study of the Unidimensionality of the Scale for the Evaluation of the Quality of Learning Objects for the Health Area (Equalis-OAS)




In the presente study, one-dimensionality, the functionality of the categories of response, and the reliability regarding Equalis-OAS were investigated. Equalis-OAS is a five-point Likert scale, written in Portuguese, designed from the perspective of psychometric precepts, with a view to evaluating the Quality of Learning Objects in the Healthcare field. The study involved 1,766 health practitioners, participants of continuing Education courses carried out in the distance modality provided by the Telehealth Program of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (TelessaúdeRS-UFRGS). Results suggest that although Equalis-OAS has its items distributed in three categories (Intrinsic Concepts; Educational; Presentation) the adoption of one-dimensionality may be applied without compromising the reliability of the scale. Moreover, Equalis-OAS "neither agree nor disagree" point proved to be of little relevance, suggesting future applications with four points. The calculation of the Rating Scale shows that the parameters of people and items were estimated with high precision, indicating evidence of the scale's reliability. The analyses performed covering the one-dimensionality of the instrument, the exclusion of an item, and the exclusion of the neutral point did not compromise the evidence pointing towards the instrument's validity, that is, Equalis-OAS continues measuring what it was set to measure, namely the quality of learning objects aimed at the healthcare field.

Keywords:Distance education. Health education. Validation studies. Item response theory. Rating scale.


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Author Biographies

Sérgio Kakuta Kato , Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre




Ana Paula Borngraber Correa, Universidade federal do Rio Grande do Sul




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How to Cite

Trindade, C. S., Kato , S. K. ., Correa, A. P. B., Rodrigues, Y. E., Gonçalves , M. R. ., Hauck Filho , N. . ., & Reppold , C. T. . (2022). Study of the Unidimensionality of the Scale for the Evaluation of the Quality of Learning Objects for the Health Area (Equalis-OAS). EaD Em Foco, 12(1).



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