The Perspective of Future Mathematics Teachers in the Context of Distance Education on Mathematical Modeling
The text highlights understandings about Modeling expressed by future Mathematics teachers. The research was supported by the following question: "What do future Mathematics teachers express about Modeling, after an experience lived with it in EaD?". An experience was developed with future teachers in a Licentiate Degree in Mathematics and, methodologically, this qualitative, descriptive and reflective study invites us to reflect on understandings of Modeling favored by the practice with it, in Distance Education (EaD). As some of the results, it was evident that the training dynamics with Modeling was considered immersive, contributing to the development of didactic-professional knowledge. Reflections "in practice" on "what is" and "how" to do Modeling, in addition to revealing about the dynamics, are articulated with the understandings expressed about (practice with) Modeling, when understandings of an epistemological and pedagogical nature emerged. In general terms, the research indicated not only actions for the development of practices with Modeling in EaD, but also configure an object of reflection on the experiences that occur in this context, pointing out that the practice with Modeling is different from the lived experiences. This emergence suggests paradigm shifts about the practice in EaD, intending changes in the trainees' conceptions about what it means to teach and learn Mathematics.
Keywords: Mathematical education. Mathematics teaching. Teacher training.
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