The On-line Education Lesson Plan in the Covid-19 Pandemic
The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, which causes Covid-19, has affected the country's social, political and economic order. The social distance, necessary to contain the spread of the virus, which resulted in the closure of educational institutions, and face-to-face teaching was transposed to virtual learning environments, where it started to be taught exclusively with technological mediation. Thus, this article aims to present a lesson plan for online education, in the Didactic curricular component, used as a guiding proposal for teacher training, in the Pedagogy Degree Course of a Public University. According to the current educational situation in the country, the action of planning the class cannot be a mere transposition of the presence, it is necessary to know the level of digital inclusion of the students, characteristics and potential of the chosen virtual learning environment. In addition, it also presents the concepts of remote education, distance education, online education, hybrid education. The methodological approach is qualitative, in which it uses a literature review and research-training, proposing a reflection and action in the initial training of teachers. Results, it is necessary to use Moodle (Modular Object-oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) and its activity interfaces, since it is a free educational platform, open source, with the possibility of use in synchronous and/or asynchronous activities, and, presentation of a guiding framework for the stages of the construction of the lesson plan, selection of contents, general and specific objectives, methodological strategies, definition of learning objects and the assessment of learning.
Keywords: Covid-19. On-line education. Class plan. Moodle.
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