Interaction and Learning with the Resolution of Problems in Distance Education
The interaction between educator and student is increasingly sought in the teaching and learning processes, and the active methodologies enable this involvement. The essential characteristics of distance education favor the adoption of methods that promote an active attitude in learning. In this work, the objective was to analyze the potential of the intervention of the application of the active methodology of Problem Based Learning in a distance learning course, implemented from problematic contexts of the students' daily life and with the use of TDIC, on the perspective of the subjects involved. A qualitative and applied research was adopted and, as procedures, bibliographic research and pedagogical intervention, intertwined with field research and participant observation. The results show that the ABRP methodology favored the engagement, interaction, and learning of students and the course participant's condition to create knowledge construction processes reflexively and collaboratively.
Keywords: Active methodologies. Distance education. Problem based learning.
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