Evaluation of the Autonomous Learning Facility of Students Studying in a Hybrid Model at a University of São Paulo
This article aimed to evaluate the ease of autonomous learning of students of technological courses studying through the hybrid model at a University of São Paulo. It is an exploratory research with a quantitative focus., A survey was performed to collect the data. 215 questionnaires were applied, containing 15 statements. The analysis od the data was performed by means of Weighted Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, MEE-PLS. The discriminant validity was verified by the Fornell-Larcker criterion and, according to this criterion, there is discriminant validity in all five proposed constructs. Bootstrapping, a process that tests the significance of the model, was performed on both models, initial and final, and presented significance in the t-statistics, at the 95% confidence level. The results of the statistical model present a positive assessment of the learning ease of students studying in a hybrid model.
Keywords: Virtual Learning Environment. Autonomous learning. University. Hybrid.
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