A review of Peer Assessment in Distance Education
In view of the influence that formative assessment has on student learning and
motivation in order to assist in the development of their autonomy, this article
presents a systematic literature review on the evaluation instruments used in
Distance Education in Higher Education and the use of peer assessment, as well
as the virtual environments used. The methodology used was the Systematic
Literature Review, in an interval of 5 years, between 2013 and 2018, in the
magazines listed in the restricted index (A1, A2 and B1) in the area of Teaching,
Education and Computing of the WebQualis platform - Classifications of
Journals Quadrennium 2013-2016. The results show that the peer review is little
used, but there is a good use of alternative assessments such as forums, chats
and self-assessment. There is a need for more effective studies on this subject.
Keywords: Peer assessment. Alternative assessment. Distance education.
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