Distance Pedagogical Mediation as a Teaching Training Process: The Case of UNIVESP
Abstract. This paper aims to analyze teacher training for distance education in higher education, focusing on the program "Didactic-pedagogical training for distance learning courses" developed by UNIVESP. The qualitative research is structured based on the content analysis of 236 reports of facilitators who worked on the Licenciatura courses offered by the institution in 2020. From the results of this investigation, what is evidenced are some fundamental premises for the success of proposals in this context. Among the main ones, we highlight the incentive to pedagogical mediation, converging interaction and collaboration by peers in elements that form educational action. The research points out that the great concern of future teachers involves the practical aspects of training, considering the pedagogical organization, the appropriate conduct when dealing with students, the preparation to work in disciplines related to the areas of training, as well as the availability and participation in student learning. Finally, the research reveals that it is essential that the teacher education program for distance education promotes the strengthening of connections between the agents of the teaching and learning processes, promoting interactions and didactic possibilities with the content, the pedagogical model and the technology of the virtual learning environment.
Keywords: Teacher training. Distance education. Pedagogical mediation
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