Perceptions about Teaching in Pandemic: Exchanges between Beginning and Experienced Teachers in a Mentoring Program
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers in Brazilian schools are facing several types of difficulties that they had never experienced. Based on this situation, experienced teachers, who act as mentors in a mentoring program based on blended learning, work to reinvent themselves as teachers in the face of social distancing and, at the same time, help beginning teachers (PIs) to deal with the challenges of this period. This paper presents exchanges between three mentors of early childhood education and their PIs in a virtual space, about experiences, pedagogical practices and feelings related to the pandemic period. Among the main difficulties cited by the participants, the following ones stand out: maintaining contact with children and their families; inequality of access to technological resources; development of remote education for young children. The mentors' initiative to hold a virtual meeting with the PIs points out the relevance of spaces for conversations between peers, especially during the pandemic, in which experienced teachers and beginners experience a feeling of isolation and intense learning process about what it means to be a teacher in this scenario.
Keywords: Teacher learning. Mentoring. Pandemic.
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