Training of the IBGE team Responsible for Collecting Data from the National Household Sample Survey, Special Edition COVID19 - PNAD COVID19, through Distance Learning: Context Analysis, Design and Evaluation



The purpose of this article is to describe the methodology adopted in the face of the challenges of developing a distance training to more than 4 thousand civil servants, who would act directly and indirectly in the data collection process of the National Household Sample Survey, special edition COVID19 - PNAD COVID19, carried out by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE, from May 2020. It presents the context analysis, its influence on the design of the training solution and the definition of learning objectives. Following the model of Donald Kirkpatrick, the article evaluates training, based on the analysis of data from reaction and learning evaluations of graduates. The results showed the relevance of an effective contextual analysis, before any definition about the training model; highlights the knowledge of the target audience, in the inspiration stage, as a successful element in the design of the solution and points out ways to carry out behavior and results assessment, within the scope of the research training conducted by IBGE.

Keywords: Distance learning. Context analysis. Evaluation. PNAD COVID19. IBGE.


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Author Biography

Hugo Sousa Campos, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatí­stica


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How to Cite

Campos, H. S. (2021). Training of the IBGE team Responsible for Collecting Data from the National Household Sample Survey, Special Edition COVID19 - PNAD COVID19, through Distance Learning: Context Analysis, Design and Evaluation. EaD Em Foco, 11(2). Retrieved from