Building Knowledge through Digital Games with Interactive Stories: Engagement in Participatory Culture in Remote Classes
Remote classes encounter difficulties such as teacher unpreparedness to teach through technologies, and digital exclusion, which is not limited to access issues only. At the same time, the covid-19 pandemic presents itself as a good opportunity to include students and teachers in the context of digital and participatory culture, and to develop skills that are crucial for the contemporary world. Gamification and ludification of classes can be propitious strategies for remote classes and for the construction of meaningful knowledge, involving students with collective problem solving. The study is based on a didactic path of an interactive story game, or interactive fictions, and integrates a larger research that seeks to investigate how technology and digital media dare. To elaborate the proposal, José Moran's conceptions of learning and Don Tapscott's studies on the behavior of new generations were considered. The proposal also adds principles from the media and information literacy (MIL) curriculum proposed by Unesco. The proposal was presented in training courses for about 100 teachers of Basic Education and Higher Education in Sergipe, who showed interest in applying in their classes and subjects; however, it was found that most teachers still have difficulty understanding the digital game and gamification as strategies of active methodology and knowledge construction, which reinforces studies in the area that demonstrate how strong the instrumental approach to technology and of the media only as a teaching tool for content transmission.
Keywords: Online classes. Participatory culture. Digital culture. Gamification.
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